International Standard Certification Service Provider.

+971 58 524 3462


HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)

HACCP is an internationally recognized, science-based, food safety system that is used to help ensure the manufacture of safe food products.

HACCP is designed to prevent, reduce or eliminate potential biological, chemical and physical food safety hazards, including those caused by cross-contamination.

Who standardises HACCP?

HACCP methodology has been standardised internationally by the Codex Alimentarius Commission which was created by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations to develop food standards.

What are the benefits of HACCP Certification?

  • Current and predicted hazards can be identified and removed
  • Provides greater confidence in product safety
  • Remedial action can be taken during production, i.e. before serious problem occur
  • Control parameters are relatively easy to monitor, i.e. temperature, water activity, pH, texture…
  • More cost-effective than microbiological or chemical analysis
  • Operation is controlled on the premises
  • All staff can be involved with product safety
  • Reduced product loss
  • Complementary to quality management systems, i.e. ISO 9001, ISO 22000
  • Internationally recognised
  • Application of HACCP system can promote international trade by equalising food safety control systems in the world.
  • Ensures you are compliant with the law
  • Applies to whole system not selected sampling point
  • Due diligence defence in court.


Certification Process

  1. Application
    2. Contract Review
    3. Initial Certification (Stage 1 & 2 Audit)
    4. Surveillance Audit
    5. Recertification

For more information and enquiry, please drop us an email to or call us at +971 58 524 3462